Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the great ethaNOl swindle

it takes 1700 gallons of water to grow corn and boil it into a gallon of ethanol and we're expected to praise this aMAIZEing fuel and pump our cars ful lof it why? oh yeah i think i remember now where oBUMa was a senator. who grows all the corn? illinois of course. and where does that water come from to grow the corn that won't be eaten by all those starving? the aquifers that big businesses like to drain at the expense of our future. swithgrass wouldn't use all the water and energy of corn but illinois and they're boy in the white house don't have control of that just like we in florida and especially lake county don't have control of our water in the st. johns that the niagara company will be happy to steal from us then sell it back in plASStic bottles. our government at work. one nation under big business with wealth and dividends for some.

Monday, March 2, 2009


how many republicans will it take to win the presidency in 2012? there's no hope as long as those two idiots keep it up. good thing for all of us theyre blind to their sameness with the democRATS. yes keep fighting each other. oh wait, maybe its just a show you think?

attack of the MALE MAN

so the postal service wants another day off? score one for our side. not only will it save taxpayers money as in you and i US its also a feather in the cap of every man out there. the mailman MALE MAN has been punctually delivering packages to our wives, mothers, sisters for ages in an attempt to immasculate the nonmail males. while dad was out working who was visiting mom everyday? MALE MAN. when sister needed help who was the one to hand it to her? MALE MAN. hes not loking so great now is he? no no no. and lets not forget about the ever raising postage prices. well theres no stamp on email and no MALE MAN needed to deliver it. this HE MALE will EMAIL his FEMALE free of fees.