Friday, February 27, 2009

creamed corn-fed

we the people have no more power in theses unntied states of bank of america. jp morgan and the rest of his crooked cronies fixed that at jekyll island. how fittinga name. the island was just a happy getaway from the number crunching and robber baroning those types were known for when it really was a mr hyde waiting to rape the poor and middle class. since then we've been under control of the FEDeral reserve. reserve of what? not of gold or silver like the floundering fathers envisioned. and federal? like the government? more like federal express. except federal express has competition from ups and OUR postal service. who competes with the federal reserve? nobody if they know what's good for them. john fitzgerald kennedy didnt know what was good for him and got a bullet in his head which was most certainly not good for him. his crime? standing up to the federal reserve. they say we MUST use the the federal reserve notes which are nothing more than paper saying they're worth what the federal reserve says they're worth. stop using them! we can say they're not worth anything and the system will come crumbling down. the colossus of rhodes that powerfully stands over us and looks down on us as a bunch of idiots will be no more. put the us back in our bank notes with u.s. notes backed by silver and gold so they actually have REAL value instead of the value being just a meaningless number. i'm fed up with the FED so let's feed them to the dogs

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